• background image
    background image
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  • Adult Rowing

    broken image

    What We Do

    Show off your projects, features, or clients in this section.
  • Forms and waivers

    Required Forms for Adult Activities at VLRC

    Photo credit: Robert Bejil Productions via VisualHunt / CC BY

    Required for All New Rowers

    Kids Camp to Adult

    Photo credit: Robert Bejil Productions via VisualHunt / CC BY

    Required for All New Rowers (exception: not for kids boating camp).

    Everyone must submit a signed Swim Test!

    Part of the application procedure involves a swim test waiver. This waiver must be signed by a certified water safety instructor--not just a lifeguard.

  • We'd like to thank the businesses that have supported VLRC

  • Weather Underground

    weather underground

    Check the club's weather information on real-time with the most hyper-local weather data.

    iOS and Android apps are also available for download.